About me

I have an MA degree in English philology. After my studies
I finished a one-year training course for translators/interpreters
at The Translation Studies Center in Sosnowiec, which helped
me improve my translation skills. I keep broadening my knowledge
by partitipating in training courses for translators and following any changes in the translation industry.
I have an MA degree in English philology. After my studies
I finished a one-year training course for translators/interpreters
at The Translation Studies Center in Sosnowiec, which helped
me improve my translation skills. I keep broadening my knowledge
by partitipating in training courses for translators and following any changes in the translation industry.
I have nine years of experience both in teaching English
and in translation. I cooperate with translation agencies and I do translations for private persons and companies. You can see my example references located below
Sample references from Polish clients:
Katedra Chemii Rolnej i Środowiskowej Uniwersytetu Rolniczego im. Hugona Kołłątaja w Krakowie (Department of Agricultural and Environmental Chemistry in the University of Agriculture in Krakow)
PREDENT - The Dental Surgery
Zespół Społecznych Szkół Ogólnokształcących Mistrzostwa Sportowego w Krakowie im. Józefa Kałuży i Henryka Reymana (Social Sports School in Cracow)